
这里是美国 2020-11-15 13:26:00

Billie Eilish终于释出全新单曲《Therefore I Am》,并一口气揭晓全新MV!

凌晨,Billie Eilish正式上架了全新单曲《Therefore I Am》音乐录影带,可以看见这位怪怪美少女独自在空无一人的美国商场闯荡,一边“白吃白喝”,一边唱出酷帅的diss歌曲。

整首歌MV都可以看见Billie Eilish穿梭在空无一人的美国商场中,狂拿各式各样的高热量美食和饮料。

《Therefore I Am》歌词看起来像是一首diss歌曲,不过也有粉丝将此解读为Billie Eilish在回击那些身体羞辱body shaming的网友舆论,所以才故意拿各种垃圾食物大口咬下,象征着:「老娘要怎么吃是我的自由,我的身体自我主宰!」

《Therefore I Am》中英歌词解析:

[副歌Chorus] I'm not your friend or anything

我不是你的朋友或什么之类的 Damn, you think that you're the man

天哪你还觉得可以 I think, therefore, I am


[Verse 1] Stop, what the hell are you talking aboutHa

停止,你以为自己在谈论什么?哈 Get my pretty name out of your mouth

别从你的嘴里说出我漂亮的名字 We are not the same with or without

不管怎么说,我们都不是同路人 Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel

别说得好像你很懂我什么感受一样 Top of the world, but your world isn't real

我在世界之巅,但你的世界不是真实的 Your world's an ideal

你的世界只活在幻想里 So go have fun / I really couldn't care less

所以去找点乐子吧,我真的一点都不在乎 And you can give 'em my best, but just know

你能代我献上最真挚的祝福,但你要知道(重复副歌I'm not your friend~)

[Verse 2] I don't want press to put your name next to mine

我不想要媒体把你的名字放在我旁边 We're on different lines, so I

因为我们根本不是同一挂的 Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff

我也想要表现得足够友善,但他们不吃这一套 'Cause I hate to find / Articles, articles, articles

因为我恨透看到那一篇又一篇的文章、文章、文章 I'd rather you remain unremarkable

你默默无闻的话比较好 (Got a lotta) Interviews, interviews, interviews

有好多采访、采访、采访 When they say your name, I just act confused


[Bridge] I'm sorry / I don't think I caught your name


I'm sorry / I don't think I caught your name



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